31 10, 2024

OGI or AGI? Are we able to cooperate?

2024-10-31T03:05:38+01:00October 31st, 2024|Featured, Perspectives|

As we delve further into the development of artificial intelligence, understanding the distinction between Organic Genetic Intelligence (OGI) and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) becomes critical. While OGI represents the naturally evolved intelligence found in living beings, AGI refers to the still-developing artificial counterpart that aims to match or surpass human cognitive abilities. Both types of intelligence have unique strengths and limitations, each shaped by their origins and capacities. This article …

17 10, 2024

Mattering at Work: The Next Level of Workplace

2024-10-17T06:03:24+02:00October 17th, 2024|Featured, Management, Team Sigma, Teamware|

The evolving Happiness @ Work into Mattering @ Work (M@W) concept is a brilliant and thoughtful next step in organisational evolution and company culture. This shift focuses on the deeper psychological need for employees to feel that their presence, work, and contributions genuinely matter to themselves, their colleagues, leaders, customers, local communities and the organization as a whole. Here’s why Mattering @ Work will be a powerful evolution at the …

17 10, 2024

Happiness at Work: Next Generation

2024-10-17T06:01:14+02:00October 17th, 2024|Featured, Management, Perspectives, Team Sigma, Teamware|

The next qualitative better level - generation of movement Happiness @ Work will aim at a more holistic and sustainable approach to well-being, engagement, and organizational culture plus orgs design. Here are some key elements of this #innovution (evolution & revolution at the same time): Beyond Individual Well-Being: Focus on Collective Well-Being The focus should shift from isolated interventions targeting individual happiness to creating systems that enhance the collective …

2 04, 2024

The Importance of Psychological Safety in Teams

2024-03-26T05:33:34+01:00April 2nd, 2024|Featured, Management, Team Sigma|

This article explores the concept of psychological safety and its role in building a resilient and cooperative team culture. It could provide tips for creating a psychologically safe workplace environment and highlight the benefits of doing so for team performance and well-being. Psychological safety has gained increasing attention in recent years as a critical component of building successful teams. Psychological safety refers to the belief that one can speak …

27 03, 2024

Product Leadership that Matters

2024-03-26T05:34:31+01:00March 27th, 2024|Featured, Management, Team Sigma|

Product management is a multidisciplinary profession and is still in its infancy in many companies. It does not have the importance it deserves or needs to be addressed by most companies. Many companies have sections/divisions focused on sales, engineering – manufacturing, customer care or operations, rarely on product. At the top management level, there is very often infighting and power struggles over power and budget. Good product management can mediate …

26 03, 2024

Overcoming Obstacles: How to Navigate Challenges as a Team

2024-03-26T05:35:26+01:00March 26th, 2024|Featured, Management, Team Sigma|

This article provides strategies for overcoming common obstacles and challenges that teams face, such as conflicts, communication breakdowns, and unexpected setbacks. It could include tips for building resilience and teamwork in the face of adversity. Navigating challenges and overcoming obstacles is an essential part of working as a team. Whether it's a conflict between team members, a breakdown in communication, or an unexpected setback, teams that can navigate these challenges …

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