31 10, 2024

OGI or AGI? Are we able to cooperate?

2024-10-31T03:05:38+01:00October 31st, 2024|Featured, Perspectives|

As we delve further into the development of artificial intelligence, understanding the distinction between Organic Genetic Intelligence (OGI) and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) becomes critical. While OGI represents the naturally evolved intelligence found in living beings, AGI refers to the still-developing artificial counterpart that aims to match or surpass human cognitive abilities. Both types of intelligence have unique strengths and limitations, each shaped by their origins and capacities. This article …

17 10, 2024

Happiness at Work: Next Generation

2024-10-17T06:01:14+02:00October 17th, 2024|Featured, Management, Perspectives, Team Sigma, Teamware|

The next qualitative better level - generation of movement Happiness @ Work will aim at a more holistic and sustainable approach to well-being, engagement, and organizational culture plus orgs design. Here are some key elements of this #innovution (evolution & revolution at the same time): Beyond Individual Well-Being: Focus on Collective Well-Being The focus should shift from isolated interventions targeting individual happiness to creating systems that enhance the collective …

26 04, 2022

Mission, vision, strategy, milestones, and what’s the point?

2023-04-28T17:17:46+02:00April 26th, 2022|Management, Perspectives|

I may start this article from the end, but in my experience from decades of practice, I will start with the essentials: Terminology. Unfortunately, many companies underestimate the alignment of the basic terminology teams use at all. My generation still experienced well-edited paper book professional terminology dictionaries, nowadays most people rely on what our little brother google feeds us, how our behavior on the net is classified and then what …

22 04, 2022

Hope for the flourishing of society (Thinking > Faith)

2022-04-22T12:11:04+02:00April 22nd, 2022|Featured, Perspectives, Projects|

In today's world we are all more or less part of one big world war. As always, the main thing is to control the resources and with them the people - also just "human resources" for the powerful. In the last century, we thought that after the deployment of chemical weapons in the first world war, nuclear weapons in the second, humanity would learn its lesson and agree to …

28 03, 2018

Five Things We Need to Know About Technological Change

2022-05-05T20:45:55+02:00March 28th, 2018|Perspectives|

Neil Postman - Foreword to Amusing Ourselves to Death We were keeping our eye on 1984. When the year came and the prophecy didn’t, thoughtful Americans sang softly in praise of themselves. The roots of liberal democracy had held. Wherever else the terror had happened, we, at least, had not been visited by Orwellian nightmares. But we had forgotten that alongside Orwell’s …

24 07, 2009

Geospatial Intelligence Is Replacing Traditional GIS

2018-08-31T14:29:50+02:00July 24th, 2009|Perspectives|

The volume of data on internet, including maps is rapidly growing up. But gives information every time sense? Aren’t we sometimes overloaded with low quality unstructured data? Could something help on internet with better quality of data? Now we are facing period of scrabbling and grabbing and concentrating huge data. Internet is full of anonymous data, many times published by enterprises. Do we face strong managed manipulation or is it …

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