27 03, 2024

Product Leadership that Matters

2024-03-26T05:34:31+01:00March 27th, 2024|Featured, Management, Team Sigma|

Product management is a multidisciplinary profession and is still in its infancy in many companies. It does not have the importance it deserves or needs to be addressed by most companies. Many companies have sections/divisions focused on sales, engineering – manufacturing, customer care or operations, rarely on product. At the top management level, there is very often infighting and power struggles over power and budget. Good product management can mediate …

28 04, 2023

Excelent strategy is the backbone of great products

2023-04-28T17:18:40+02:00April 28th, 2023|Featured, Management|

Strategy is the guide to choosing what to do by priorities and guardian for making decisions in an environment with limited resources. Every good strategy has to have understandable milestones and tactics how to achieve. It has to be measurable to get to us continuous feedback if we are on a good track. Strategy is also a crucial backbone in balancing priorities every day, but not …

26 04, 2022

Mission, vision, strategy, milestones, and what’s the point?

2023-04-28T17:17:46+02:00April 26th, 2022|Management, Perspectives|

I may start this article from the end, but in my experience from decades of practice, I will start with the essentials: Terminology. Unfortunately, many companies underestimate the alignment of the basic terminology teams use at all. My generation still experienced well-edited paper book professional terminology dictionaries, nowadays most people rely on what our little brother google feeds us, how our behavior on the net is classified and then what …

25 04, 2022

Targeted Product Management

2022-04-26T12:34:35+02:00April 25th, 2022|Featured, Management, Projects|

In the last decades, I have always been around creating new products and complete software solutions in various positions. At the same time, I have studied how the best companies in the world do product-innovation. In a series of articles I will gradually cover the key themes and what works and what doesn't. I will summarize the most risky situations that occur in companies and possible ways to get out …

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