27 03, 2024

Product Leadership that Matters

2024-03-26T05:34:31+01:00March 27th, 2024|Featured, Management, Team Sigma|

Product management is a multidisciplinary profession and is still in its infancy in many companies. It does not have the importance it deserves or needs to be addressed by most companies. Many companies have sections/divisions focused on sales, engineering – manufacturing, customer care or operations, rarely on product. At the top management level, there is very often infighting and power struggles over power and budget. Good product management can mediate …

26 03, 2024

Overcoming Obstacles: How to Navigate Challenges as a Team

2024-03-26T05:35:26+01:00March 26th, 2024|Featured, Management, Team Sigma|

This article provides strategies for overcoming common obstacles and challenges that teams face, such as conflicts, communication breakdowns, and unexpected setbacks. It could include tips for building resilience and teamwork in the face of adversity. Navigating challenges and overcoming obstacles is an essential part of working as a team. Whether it's a conflict between team members, a breakdown in communication, or an unexpected setback, teams that can navigate these challenges …

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